The Carhartt Killer 2 (Part 1)

Part 1 of 2. The infamous “Carhartt Killer,” is on the loose and killing again. If you remember, the Carhartt Killer, otherwise known as Andy King, was the small farm-boy who murdered his entire family and was admitted to an insane asylum in Cadott, Wisconsin — all at the age of 10. He escaped from the institution a few years back during a still unexplained fire that occurred in the building. His whereabouts was never pinpointed. His last killings occurred in the fall of 2004, when he murdered three students at a graveyard in the Township of Clear Lake where he was rumored to have been buried. It has been three years since we’ve seen the handiwork of the Carhartt Killer… Now he’s back, and more deadly & destructive than ever.